Difference between Fantasy Cricket and Traditional Cricket: A Simple Guide

Cricket is more than just a sport; it’s a passion for millions around the world. Traditional cricket, played on fields with bat and ball, has been cherished for generations. But in recent years, a new form of cricket has gained popularity—fantasy cricket. As fans were once limited to merely watching their favourite players on the screen, the advent of fantasy cricket has provided them with an exciting opportunity to actively participate. Today, it has evolved into a sport accessible to one and all, allowing everyone to savour the experience. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between fantasy cricket and traditional cricket. 

Understand The Basics

Traditional Cricket: Traditional cricket is a real-world sport played by teams of 11 players each. It consists of three formats: Test, One Day International (ODI), and Twenty20 (T20). These formats vary in terms of the number of overs, rules, and duration.

Fantasy Cricket: Fantasy cricket can be played on fantasy apps and it gives fans an opportunity to become team managers. You create a team of real players within a budget and score points based on their real-life performance. It doesn’t involve playing cricket on the field but rather managing a virtual team.

2. Team Formation

Traditional Cricket: In traditional cricket, teams are selected by national boards or franchises. Players are chosen based on their skills, fitness, and form. Fans have no direct involvement in team selection.

Fantasy Cricket: In fantasy cricket, you are the team selector or team creator. You pick players from different real-world teams to form your fantasy team. Your budget limits you, so you must make strategic choices to build a balanced team.

3. Scoring System

Traditional Cricket: In real cricket, players score runs, take wickets, and make fielding contributions. Runs, wickets, catches, and other stats directly impact the match outcome.

Fantasy Cricket: In fantasy cricket, players earn points based on their real-life performance. For example, runs scored, wickets taken, and catches made add to your fantasy team’s score. These points determine your ranking in the league.

4. Duration of Engagement

Traditional Cricket: Traditional cricket matches can last from a few hours (T20) to several days (Test cricket). Fans need to invest time to watch the entire match.

Fantasy Cricket: Fantasy cricket doesn’t require continuous attention. You can set your team up at the beginning of the season or before each match and check results periodically.

5. Winning Objectives

Traditional Cricket: In traditional cricket, teams aim to win matches, series, or tournaments. Success is measured by on-field victories and trophies.

Fantasy Cricket: In fantasy cricket, your goal is to accumulate the most points in your fantasy league. Winning your fantasy league depends on your team’s performance relative to others.

6. Player Loyalty

Traditional Cricket: Traditional cricket fosters loyalty to teams and players. Fans support their favourite teams and players through thick and thin.

Fantasy Cricket: Fantasy cricket allows fans to support players from different teams. You can select players based on their performance rather than team allegiance.

7. Impact on Real Matches

Traditional Cricket: Traditional cricket has no direct impact on fantasy cricket. Real matches are played independently of fantasy leagues.

Fantasy Cricket: While fantasy cricket doesn’t affect real matches, it enhances fans’ engagement. You may find yourself cheering for individual players rather than teams.

8. Costs and Prizes

Traditional Cricket: Watching live cricket matches in stadiums or on television can be costly, including ticket prices and subscriptions.

Fantasy Cricket: Most fantasy cricket platforms offer both free and paid leagues. You can win cash prizes or other rewards based on your performance.

9. Skills Required

Traditional Cricket: Success in traditional cricket primarily depends on players’ skills and teamwork.

Fantasy Cricket: Fantasy cricket combines observation and research skills. Skill is needed to select a winning team on every fantasy league app while accurate research skills can help you win.

10. Accessibility

Traditional Cricket: Watching cricket matches requires access to a stadium, television, or online streaming services.

Fantasy Cricket: Fantasy cricket can be played from the comfort of your home using a computer or smartphone with an internet connection.


In summary, traditional cricket is the beloved sport played on fields with bat and ball, while fantasy cricket is a virtual game where fans become team managers and score points based on real-life player performances. Both have their unique appeal and offer different ways to engage with the sport. Whether you prefer the thrill of real matches or the strategy of fantasy cricket, cricket offers something for every fan to enjoy.

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